
2023 - Dental care mission in Madagascar

The project
The mission is above all punctuated by our conviction to get involved in a voluntary process. Le Regard d’Anna allowed us to see the world in another way, different cultures and a sense of urgency to live…
We who are still studying, we perceive through Children’s Island, the fragility of life.
The children who are lucky enough to go to this school first come to eat, then they gradually understand that it is necessary to take care of themselves. This is precisely where we can be agents of evolution.
Objective n°1: Oral clinical examination of children
We discussed with Eric Hanrion on the objectives of a possible mission.
Children have canker sores, abscesses in the mouth, cavities..
We will treat oral bacteria phenomena and we also propose to find a dental surgeon to accompany us. In addition, we will produce care records for each child, which will allow for medical follow-up.
Objective n°2: Provision of dental care equipment and products
We would like to be inspired by the collection of toothbrushes and care products sent to the Island
Of the reunion.
Baptiste’s dad is a pharmacist and offered to help us with supplying products.
We will also be making boxes to receive product donations and distribute them in
the places where our parents work.
Objective n°3: Carrying out on-site dental care awareness interventions
– training: how to use your toothbrush properly, the usefulness of mouthwashes, the key gestures for good dental hygiene (supported by prevention tools)
– production of prevention posters on cavities
– jeux
Objective n°4: Communication on the mission
– sharing of the report with our faculty and see if possibility of partnership with them to perpetuate the mission in the future by other students after our arrival
– sharing on the association’s website

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