Our actions - Madagascar

2021 - Financial support for 2 kindergarten class

Since 2021, Le regard d’Anna has been supporting 28 children, divided into two kindergarten classes, by covering the operating costs (salary, furniture, school items, food) in proportion to the 280 students welcomed in the establishment.
(For 28 students in proportion to 280 students of the association)
1 . Educate
School and peda supplies / teacher supplies / Activities ………. €1,291.20
Salary + Charges (1 teacher + 1 childminder) ………………. €960.00
2 . To feed
Canteen/kitchen equipment ……………………………………………. €144,96€
Salary + Charges (3 cooks) ……………………………………. ……… €1,440.00
Meals + snacks (38 weeks of canteens) ……………………………… .€1,468.68
3 . Cure
Civil insurance / Mutual family / Vaccination campaign / Dentist …. 124,32€
Care, hospitalization, medication, hygiene …………………………………….. €396.48
Salaries + charges (1 childcare worker / nurse) ……………………………….. 480.00 €
4 . Manage and Maintain
Buildings + toilets + furniture ………………………………………. …………. €791.04
Salary + Charges (3 housekeepers + 2 maintenance man) . €2,400.00
Salary + Charges: Administrative team (1 Director + 1 assistant
director +1 site coordinator) …………………………………….. ……… €960.00
Total :
10 456,68€
The pupils of the two kindergarten classes introduce themselves to you, the team ensures the functioning of the school to allow quality teaching in the best possible conditions.
2 Teachers
2 Childminders
1 Nurse / Educator
3 Coockers
2 Gardiens
2 Femmes de ménage
1 Director and 1 assistant
1 Coordinateur

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